Switching to standard capitalization

"11:07AM: peed and thought things like ‘did i respond to colin’s texts’ in the same neutrally focused ‘tone’ of the pee, which stopped when the pee stopped.

11:12AM: can’t find liquid antacid. keep wretching and swallowing prevomit stomach acid. last food eaten was raspberry cookies, over 24 hours ago.

3:19PM: want to be talking in insane unprecedented 9:47AM update voice all the time. funny to read 11:12AM update after writing insane update." 

Eight years ago, around this time (12:20p.m.), I was sitting on my bed at my mom's condo, writing the "insane unprecedented 9:47AM update" on Adderall, after having made myself vomit because I'd eaten Xanax after snorting heroin and then slept irregularly from 8:25a.m. to 3:15p.m. the previous night. I would then stay awake, mostly typing for a little over 62 hours. 

Just got so sad for me, typing that. Not a self-pitying sad...this is a new kind of sad that I've been feeling lately. I guess it's kind of self-pitying. More like "compassionate grief" than pity. I don't feel like "poor me: the joke of the universe" or "poor me: a hopeless case who will never get out of this" anymore, which I associate with pity.

Actually, some part of me does still feel like I will never get out of this. 

The circumstances of my life have, on the one hand, changed greatly since 2013. But there is still this wall in me. I build up momentum for things and then I get afraid and I don't follow through. At this moment in 2013-time, my current tasks were to assemble recommendations for an apartment in New York I had no means to live in, but "grand plans" (if I'd been being honest with myself at the time, I knew I wouldn't follow through with any of these plans) to attain those means. 

Currently I'm tasked with applying to grad schools with the same feeling. I'm trying to complete volunteer training which will help not only me get into grad school, but help the world in a small way, and some irrational part of me feels like I can do nothing but fuck up the world, because I've only proven time and time again that the only thing I'm good at doing is fucking up my own life. That was helpful for me to write. When I write sentences with lots of "buts" and "ands" and "becauses" and commas I know I'm veering into irrational territory ("and" can be neutral; it's mostly the "buts" and the "becauses"). 

Before I started typing this I took a shower, remembering my life in 2013, thinking about how everyone close to me right now seems to be encountering a depression. On Monday, my therapist and I decided I was "depressed," but we found a way out of it. She really took on a tone...that...well. The things she said and the way she said them are still clonking around my head, which is actually one of the telltale signs that this kind of therapy is working, so I'm taking it as a good sign. Here are some key phrases:

"You have a choice to do or to not do any of these things. This is your life."

"That didn't work out so well for your mother, did it."

"I don't know, Megan. Do you want your mother's life?"

"You can just go on fixing up a house that doesn't have your name on the lease, taking on more and more responsibilities that no one asked you to do, sleeping ten hours a night and getting 'sick,' watching the time go by, or you can make a choice to claim your life." 

"You know what comes naturally to you to do."

"Jung says consciousness is an act against nature. Do you know what that means? Against nature. It's the hardest thing on the planet to do. The majority of people walk around unconscious of their feelings and thoughts, they're just dictated by the stories they've always told themselves. We've known each other for a long time, now. I don't think you want to be one of those people, and I think you have it in you not to be. Otherwise I wouldn't be talking to you right now. You have some good ideas, some good intentions. You just need to put them to work."

"You are an expert at the path of least resistance. Do you want to go on like that?"

"This will be harder than quitting alcohol and drugs. [Pause]. Don't think I don't know how hard that is."

"You need some fight in you. Walk around the block stomping your feet. Pretend you're an Amazon, you know? [Okay] Be like the Amazons, just–don't cut your breasts off. [Did they really...did people really do that?] Well, yes and no–real in the sense that they were real mythological creations."

"This will be a choice that only you can make. I can help you as much as my role permits, but this is your life, Megan. This is up to you." 

"You know–he probably already knows that about you. He probably already sees that you have trouble finishing projects. It's no use hiding it; it's no use pretending to be someone you're not. So, tell him about it, and tell him you want to change. Get him to hold you to it."

"My job is to help you harvest your life. I care about you, Megan. But it's your life."

After the session, I decided to make some changes. I told my boyfriend in a roundabout way that I knew I was bad at finishing things I start, and I didn't want to be that way, and I asked him if he thought I was "[felt too hard to say]," and he said "are you asking me if I think you're lazy and disorganized and [I forget the third word he said]?" 

That means...he...some part of him has seen that I'm lazy and disorganized. I'm not dwelling on this, I'm just looking at reality. I appreciate what he said. I am lazy and disorganized. He sees the potential in me to be better, but if we're being honest, which is what I want to be in this life: I'm lazy and disorganized right now and it is making me depressed and it's an evil ouroboros feeding itself on the story of my life from beginning to end and it doesn't care about me it just wants to live my life for me so I don't have to think about it until the curtain closes and that's all folks. Disorganized is the big thing–laziness comes from having "too many things to do," and the feeling of the things becomes some amorphous glob, impelling me to "take a break and come back 'refreshed.'"

On the phone, we talked about how I feel a "fight" in me when I'm exercising. My therapist suggested exercising before I do my volunteer training, and I said I'd do that. She also suggested investing in an hourly planner, which I ordered after our session, and should be arriving today. 

The funny thing: after our phone call, I stopped feeling sick. For the first time in years, for about a week prior to the phone call, I'd been experiencing something like seasonal allergies (congestion, headache, sore throat, cough, sneezing, runny nose, dizzy/spacey/sick feeling behind my head). Yesterday and today (Tuesday and Wednesday–we talked Monday) I've felt almost completely better. 

My friend came to visit boyfriend and I yesterday and it sort of messed up my momentum. This morning I've been...just. Well. I slept poorly; boyfriend and I were up until 2a.m. watching "The Bachelor" last night, and in the morning I learned my friend is feeling really low and I wanted to help, and I had some emails to do and laundry to put away. 

I could keep making excuses like this all my life until the curtain closes and that's all folks.  

Writing, though, is something I wanted to do today. After showering, boyfriend asked if I was getting ready for the gym and I said, complexly guiltily, "yes but first I want to do some writing!"

I don't need to feel guilty about it, though. This is actually helping my emotional state...to write something...just...with no expectations attached to it. I feel so many expectations attached to anything I write now ("be good!" "be in your 'voice!'" "be a different voice!" "do fiction!" "do poetry!" "no, no, like actual poetry!" "no, no, like actual fiction!" "no, do autofiction again, but better!" "do a funny article!" "do a serious 'think piece!'" "do something, anything, that won't end up being what it is!"). So I end up writing nothing but overly detailed "day updates" with tiny handwriting in a five-year journal I have trouble maintaining in a daily-use way (meaning, I do retrospective updates every week or so, with an uncomfortably similar feeling of obligation I had about accounting for lost time after periods of "no updates" during my 2013 liveblog). 

Last night, my friend asked if I'd been writing anything lately, and I said "no, not really, just journals." I felt something fall in me as I said that. I felt his and my boyfriend's faces change, hinting at "something known about Megan right now that we're not sure she knows," but probably meaning something else entirely, or probably something only I perceived. I'm probably projecting my own disappointment in myself onto them. I feel good when I'm writing. I miss feeling excited about it. I've been in this "missing writing" way for years. My friend said it took him years to start writing again after he got sober, and I...am...well. I'm just getting honest with myself about my own sobriety (I have close to six months–I'd miscounted, and I've been telling people "six months" but really it's five-and-counting–about three weeks ago I started going to 12-step meetings again, but before that I'd been white-knuckling after a period of insane marijuana use this summer). 

Oh jeez. Haha. 

Yeah, bit of a mess right now. It's okay though. I have choices now. Going to post this and then go to gym with boyfriend and then do volunteer training. Keep telling myself "it's going to be okay," but what does that mean? It's okay. What does "okay" mean? It's just...it. It's just living. It's just the one foot in front of the other dance until curtain closes and that's all folks, and endless opportunities to rebuke the ever-beckoning chance to actually write the script and act the part in the space between. 

i drafted this blog post on 2/25/21 and posted it 3/17/21

it's 12:43pm 

have been sitting here since 10am-ish, listening to construction outside, undisciplinedly switching between 2-4 tasks, making steady progress on the tasks

just searched gmail for '2/25/13' and read some of the results


  • a 14-email thread with a friend i would soon betray, where my tone has a disturbingly surface-level affect of almost celebratory awareness of hopelessness–a tone that formerly felt fulfilling and 'less lonely' to encounter when used by a circle of acquaintances from the internet, with a distance from the true source that i now see as (at least in myself) a muted cry for help.
  • an email from a person in the UK soliciting me for a book that would contain pictures of people's unmade beds, captioned with dreams. i replied with a dream ('last night i dreamed i was living on a street that had been mostly evacuated due to an upcoming nuclear bomb drop. only a few other people hadn't left, the street was full of furniture from people's apartments, the sun was shining very brightly through large holes in my wall. i had just discovered i was seven months pregnant), and a picture of my bed at my mom's condo, where i'd been staying for about a month (it says in the email that was never replied to after i sent my reply): 
  • an email from someone i went to high school with, which starts: 'I wrote two tweets to you then deleted them, thinking that you did the same thing and that we maybe were communicating via the emails that get sent to a person after they receive a tweet rather than on twitter itself.  Then i thought I saw one of your messages still on twitter as if maybe you didn't delete it...I don't know, but here are some of the reasons that I want to go to the high school reunion:' (he goes on to list those reasons and speaks from the heart about some things). i drafted a response that said i was drunk and feeling nostalgic when i tweeted whatever i tweeted and then deleted, a few sentences that describe why i didn't want to go to the high school reunion and that hint at what would become a an increasingly indescribable chaotic schism between my 'former self' and 'new self,' and that ends with 'it's cool to imagine you doing research about batteries.'

other things were notable

this is a depressing way to spend time

the sun is brilliant and blue

do i want to blog again

do i want to use standard capitalization or low-caps

i'm going to do low-caps, for now

welcome to the third sentence of megan boyle's new and probably short-lived blogging experiment

wonder if/how i'll notify the world that i'm blogging again...i hate notifying the world of things

i like doing the things, i just don't like 'hey twitter! i'm doing a thing/i did a thing. lookie lookie!'

two friends of mine gave up social media for lent and i decided i wanted to do that too. i barely write tweets on twitter or post pictures on instagram or [whatever it was that i would do on facebook] on facebook anymore, but i lurk heavily on all of those sites, sometimes for hours. last week, my friend asked 'do you ever read all of the tweets in your feed and then start reading ones you've already read,' and i said 'yes,' and we talked about the texture of doom created by this–how, in most cases, we rarely felt interested in what we were reading, just a barely perceivable yet somehow totally consuming feeling of satisfaction and 'need' 


just caught myself doing something...i feel like there's already enough stuff out there about why social media sucks. like i don't think...i've heard...any accounts of people being happy that they're using it. i still don't completely trust my negative bias about it, so i want to stop typing about it. usually every day around this time though, my 'shittalking social media' cycle, which is like a series of maybe 12 bullet points about the same idea, begins to circle

i want to say one more thing about it, though (then i'll move on to other things):

i rarely feel bored anymore. i miss feeling bored. when i look at social media i feel doom and irritation and occasionally a 0.00000000023%-dimmed version of fleeting delight that i'm choosing to call 'satisfaction,' not boredom. the 'satisfaction' is unsettling and itchy though. it's not like the satisfaction of a meal when hungry, it's like every 5-10 minutes a picture of a steak appears and i'm presented with a forkful of it and if i choose to bite it i learn it's completely flavorless but 'smells kind of like a steak,' and i'm left wanting more. there's something...bad...about denying yourself the experience of hunger, or boredom, or something. if you're not bored, you don't want to do anything about it

feeling bored this morning so i'm deciding to try blogging again

now it's 12:26pm. i took out the recycling, read this (via a search for 'big bruiser dope boy blogger'–i wanted to read BBDB's blog and didn't save the url when he posted it on twitter whenever long ago that was and now i can't find it or dm him about it because no twitter and now i'm imagining him reading this someday and feeling like i'm toeing a weird bob-like boundary by typing this but i don't intend for it to be that way but bob probably didn't either but i don't have a sexual interest in BBDB so i hope this is okay), enjoyed the reading of it so much that i read some more stories on tnb (this one and this one), read from 'creation myths' by marie-louise von franz, tended to some emails about editing and grad school recommendations and volunteer work, uploaded a document to unemployment when i saw my payment status was 'on hold' due to 'separation information' (no idea what that means), pooped, wrote a long text to my mom and sent her pictures of a tarot reading i did for her last night in response to a sweet long text from her, deepened and seemingly completed the 'amelioration stage' of a minor squabble/misunderstanding with boyfriend this morning via jokes/hugs/tragi-comic reenaction of emotions generated by the squabble involving a space between the fridge and the wall being 'bed' and broom and swiffer being 'pillows,' talked with boyfriend about how he called some contractors and i said i'd call a sales employee at sofas etc. who seems to want us to call her and we sort of decided on a fabric swatch for a couch but he was like 'could we do this later' which i understood, made more coffee

i did other things

it's the end of february

just popped a piece of 4mg 'fruit chill' nicorette into mouth and i'm enjoying the burst of flavor; soon i'll be enjoying the peppery nicotine jolt

okay now i'm enjoying the peppery nicotine

the instructions for this gum are something like 'chew it and then place it between your cheek and gums,' but i usually just continue chewing

today i'm following the instructions though

now it's 1:35pm

i'm kind of liveblogging...but...i don't want the pressure of a liveblog. i haven't emailed my other two friends my liveblog of february 3 because i ended up writing what felt like an embarrassing amount (~12k words, 2-3k of which were about everything i remembered from ages 0-5 [a sort of story or essay that's currently a separate document of maybe 6k words]), in a section of the liveblog that i can't decide if i want to delete or not and because i can't remember how it looked as i typed it in real-time, when it was just 2-3k words/before i started expanding on it 

just...too many words...liveblogging can sometimes bring out neurotic sides of my personality that once felt important to share but, through close to seven years of intensive therapy, i've learned that at heart, i'm not entirely comfortable sharing with others after all 

made a smoothie for boyfriend and myself...the smoothie is pretty much the same every day, but here is today's variation (in order of what went into the blender first): 

-2 bananas

-1 avocado

-2 pears

-2 handfuls kale

-maybe 1 cup frozen blueberries

-coconut water

-more kale as the ingredients blended together 

shortly after i took that pic, boyfriend made a video of me walking in place while lightly tapping the blender against my crotch, making a creaturely/cavewoman-esque face. shortly after that (i don't remember exactly how we got here), he pulled his sweatpants down to expose most of his buttcheeks, which i ran to face-first and blew a raspberry on. i started making the bed and asked him if he knew of that death cab for cutie song that...shit, i'm now forgetting...well. what i sung was to the tune of 'soul meets body;' i sang something like, 'i know a place where the [something] touches buttcheek,' we had some giggles, etc.

megan and boyfriend's adorable escapades

i'm grateful for these daily escapades and this man

last night i started experimenting with the new age truism of 'whatever one focuses on expands,' and started a daily list of three things i'm grateful for, to cause more feelings of gratitude

so far the most notable 'cures' or 'fixes' to my once-thought-to-be-hopelessly-personality-based-melancholic-and-at-times-apathetic-to-suicidal depression are gratitude and sleep

i don't know why these things work but there is probably a bunch of academic/scientific literature about the ideas behind these things working

currently the experience of them working is more interesting and important to me than the reasons why they work, but maybe i'll want to get more into that later 

most things are more interesting and important to me than academia or science, too, currently

the sun is out. light reminds me of a day in november 1996, when my parents and i saw a matinee performance of 'pal joey' at centre stage in baltimore. the thing i remember most about the play was wondering about its actors–if they lived in baltimore, picturing their lives, if i'd ever live here or in another city–and feeling a specific kind of 'sunday at 4pm' middle school sadness on the drive back to our house in the suburbs, dreading being faced with nothing good on tv until nighttime, knowing that by nighttime i'd already be dreading the fact that sleep meant i'd soon be preparing for school in the morning 

tonight i'm sleeping over at my friend's house. usually she and i hang out on tuesdays, and last week we started a book club (about 'the art of living' by dietrich von hildebrand) that meets on wednesdays. she lives about an hour away, so it makes more sense to just stay there overnight

friend just texted 'is 6pm okay?'

6pm was indeed the time i was thinking to arrive

the current valuation of my nba topshots account is $1508. last night it was ~$2200, but i guess the secretary of the treasury talked shit about cryptocurrency today and so now the value is down. i've spent, i think, something like a total of $60 on nba topshots cards...boyfriend is more into this than me but i like free money so i'm getting into it too

boyfriend saw the 'evaluate marketplace' screen open on my computer when he came in to say hi just now. i did a leapfrog-like maneuver under his legs. we laughed and did the funny voices we do; i showed him 'things he could 'put his pangiss in'' that weren't me (drawers, fridge door, large roll of clear tape which he then took his flaccid penis out to mock-thrust in and out of the hole), until tomorrow

i could just keep typing and typing but i want to take care of some more things before i get ready to go

so far i'm enjoying this


lastly here is a picture of everything i've hung on the wall behind desktop; the things all feel happy and sometimes inspiring to look at, except the turquoise post-it on the far left was just functional and makes me feel nothing and i'll take it down after i type this: 

i took it down

maybe someday i'll write about what all of the things on the wall mean to me

i'm feeling an urge to do that now but i'd like to do other things before i leave